Monday, August 01, 2005

organization au max

So you remember how I wrote about my new job? So that's been interesting...

I worked for three days. My last day was on a Friday and my boss told me:
"Take tomorow and Sunday off, and I'll call you on Monday." So I took the weekend off and waited on Monday for the call. Alas, the call didn't come and I waited some more. In fact, I was still waiting yesterday, which was Sunday. This morning, my mom and I decided that we were annoyed of not being able to plan anything and so we drove down to the hotel and in order to ask them what in the world was going on. After all, it was supposed to open today.

Turns out the doors were locked and no one was inside. I came back later and the owner had just shown up. He told me that there was some sort of delay and that it wouldn't open for another week or so. Then he apologized for the manager not calling me sooner and he asked me to come in tomorow.

Hooray for proper sheduling, eh?

So anyways, tomorow I need to ask the manager if she can take time out of her busy schedule to actually make a schedule, and ask her if she needs me on Sunday, because on that day I'm booked for fortune-telling/face painting at a party. I can always get replaced, but it would be a shame to miss out on the fun. Anyways, I also have to tell her that I can't work from the 18th until the 23rd so I can drive down to my sisters wedding. Not to mention my brothers last few days on the eastern side of the country, couldn't miss that. What's going to be super cool about the wedding though, is that Suzy is coming down from Vancouver. I haven't seen her for years, I'm so excited!

I'm annoyed with typing random things that no one will read. Onward, to other things!


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