Sunday, August 07, 2005

Best job in the world

No, I'm not talking about working at Howard Johnson. In fact, although I've just started I can't wait for an opportunity to quit. The other day I show up at work and no one was there, again. So I rang the back door at Harveys and asked if Karina was there, and it turns out she forgot her key to the hotel and went home to get it. She only showed up forty minutes later and didn't even apologize. What a woman.

No, the job I'm talking about is party entertainment. BEST JOB EVER! Today was my second party, and holy crap was it ever fun. Last time I was Cookie Monster, which was fun but very, very sweaty. This time, however, I got to be a fairy! That's right, my friend Kim was the Fairy Godmother and I was her minion, tending to her needs a little but mostly painting faces. It was so cool. Kim was a camp counseler and everything, so she kept the kids occupied without any dull moments, and I did face painting the whole time. There were eight little girls ("I want to be a princess." "I want a butterfly." "I want a heart."), so that was cute despite being a little repetitive. The two little boys were fun though, I got to paint bats and spiders on them! It was only an hour long, but like I said, I had fun and the kids were absolutely marvellous. I would have done it for free, no problem, but at the end of the day I still got paid 25 dollars. >.<

Even preperation was fun. Maggie, my "boss", is stressed lately so she was completely over-preparing us, but it was okay because she's going through a tough time and we wanted it to be perfect. So last night I stayed up with my glue gun and I glued fake flowers onto bobby pins, and this morning I made my hair into a bun with flowers all aroung. Girly, true, but effective as well. :) And speaking of over preperation, Kim and I got there at ten o'clock this morning, even though the party was at two. This means we staid in Maggies basement for a couple hours without anything to do before I did Kims makeup and hair. But that's okay, because I love Kim and we hadn't hung out in a while. I'm so sad that she's moving to Ontario in about two weeks, I was just starting to get to know her better. Then again, I know she'll have fun, and I know she'll be succesful over there. Kim's a smart girl, she can do it.I'll miss her anyways.

All that to say I had a super awesome day today. :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Never knew working at Howard Johnson stank so bad...mind you, Karina isn't the lovliest girl evr, either. x_x

Cool for you about the whole face painting thing. Hope it works out. ^^

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word you both are looking for is "b*tch" Karina is a lazy twt who read one too many rulebooks.

I LOATHE her with a passion.

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS- I'm glad you found...compensation. ^^ SQUEE!

1:04 AM  

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