Thursday, August 03, 2006

Of cabbages and sealing wax

So, Yeah! I love that poem!

This is me with power. That's right, after about thirty or so hours without electricity, I came home from Subway today to discover that everything worked! w00t! Actually, going to Subway was pretty cool. Mom and I got hungry and decided to go because I get a discount there, and as I'm paying Dylan walked in! It was so cool, his dad was gassing up on the way to Magog and he was checking to see if I was working. Which I wasn't, but we saw each other anyway. I thought it was pretty sweet. Mind you, I also ran into Tubbles, which was too bad. Luckily he was on his way out, or I don't know how I would have gotten rid of him. Goodness me, that kid's so annoying.

Speaking of annoying kids, Tall French Guy is coming to my house tomorow to pick up stuff for the retirement party. W00t. If there's anyone I particularly don't want to see at 9:30 in the morning, it's him. Ugh. Luckily, my day should get better afterwards. I've got CEGEP orientation tomorow! And I can register and everything! I'm so excited to start, I really can't wait. Well, I could deal with more summer, but really I don't mind either way. I hope I meet really cool people, because I sure as hell don't want to get stuck all by myself. Not that I ever really have, it's just that at Westwood my group of friends were so awesome. They weren't cliquey, they were all different but everyone got along. And I'm still making new friends from that school! I only ever really had a conversation with Mike Ness until the day we graduated. And he's such a nice guy, too! Only I hadn't really hung out with him before.

So yeah. I'm really worried about losing touch with all my great friends from over here though. I mean, if I was going to Abbott I would see them much more often, but since I'm not... It's a double-edged sword, that's for sure. I've had conversations about this too. I'll be talking to someone and we'll both be like: "We have to promise to call each other next year! Promise!" So I hope that this time around, it'll be different. I figure that since I'm not moving or anything, and neither is the mass majority of my friends either, we won't lose touch that easily. And I figure I could even get the two groups to co-mingle a little. Maybe some of my new friends will want to come down to Hudson and party with us, and maybe some of the friends that I have now will want to come down to Montreal and party it up there, too. I'm sure it'll work out, but this time, I would really like to keep the friends that I already have. And not just for visiting once-in-a-while, either. Which is what happened every other time I moved, except for Shabina. We stayed super close regardless. Well, not really anymore, but that's a long story.

I'm going to miss Thea an awfull lot though, but I know she'll be having tons of fun, I know she will.

In other news, I laughed pretty hard last night. Dylan told Chris all about what he couldn't remember on prom night, and Chris came up to me and apologized. I was pretty suprised, actually, he seemed very sorry indeed. But I told him not to worry, I thought (and still do think) that the whole story was awfully hilarious. Rendered all the more so because he didn't remember a thing. Mind you, I would hate to be in his shoes, I hate not remembering. So yeah.

I do have a confession to make though. I really hope that at the next party, I can get a ride with someone else because really now, I wouldn't mind drinking a little myself. Like, goddamn. I find it so annoying to see everyone getting progressively drunker and I'm just standing there like, "yep. I'm sober." I have a great time anyhow, but it does get a little frustrating when you're the only one that can really walk straight. So hopefully next time someone will provide me with a ride instead of the other way around, and then maybe I'll get drunk too! yay!, how alcoholic of me. I'm such a bad person. Jesus won't love me anymore. Good thing I don't believe in him then, eh?

...great, now I'm alcoholic and sacreligious. Super.

I think I'm going to go now before this gets any worse.

Later days! (yay, a reference to the Weekenders!)


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