Sunday, September 25, 2005

a good weekend

Three day weekends are rarely bad but can sometimes be boring. Fortunetly, boredom wasn't the case for this one.

On Friday I went shopping with my mom, which was kind of useless since we didn't buy anything save some face goop for my mom (However, I did recieve the bonus makeup that came with it). It was still fun though- my mom used to go out together a lot more but I guess I've been busy lately because we haven't spent time together for a while. So it was nice, despite the fact that we didn't see anything too interesting. Besides, I think she might have wanted to talk about her dad being in the hospital and stuff, and she wanted to see if there were any shoes she could buy for the gala thing my dad's been invited to. So it was good. Then I got home and called Kaela. We had planned to do something but realised we had no money, so instead I went to her house and we watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Now I've seen it three times this week, but it was the first time for her. I enjoyed watching her expression at all the funny/suprising parts.

So that was Friday.

On Saturday, I must confess, I didn't do much. Mom and Dad went out, so I watched some cartoons and sang along really loudly to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. I love signing, it's so fun. Especially when no one can hear you, because then you're not so afraid to make mistakes. It was a little depressing though- I can sing all of Ewan McGregor's parts perfectly, but I have trouble with Nicole Kidman's. Damn, why is every girl a soprano? One day I should become a singer just to prove you can still sing even if you can't hit super high notes. Oh well, I had fun either way. Then night-time came and I went to Peters party with Anne-Marie. It was annoying as hell to get a hold of her, but in the end it was worth it because I got a ride both ways. :) It was a pretty chill party too. Not too many people came, but I don't mind small partys at all. I had a lot of fun, and I'm glad to report that I didn't wake my mom up getting home. It's not that I came back too too late or anything, but I feel bad when she wakes up because of me. I also usually fear that she'll assume I'm drunk or something if I make to much noise, and since I'm very, very rarely drunk I would hate for her to assume I am.

Sunday, now.

My parents were gone when I woke up, but I didn't really care. I like being alone, it's sort of calming. No awkward silences when you've only got yourself to talk to. So I watched some more cartoons and played around with the laptop until it was time to got to rehersals. It was my first rehersal, and since it was only the third rehersal for everyone else I'm not too behind. I need to get the music though, because I really need to learn the lines in the songs. Then again, I'm sure it'll come soon enough. Most of the rehersal was just dancing though. Man, the director is so cool. You wouldn't know just looking at him, but that middle aged man can dance like no other. We'll just be listening to a song to get the beat and stuff, and he's off dancing like a maniac. It's great, it really is. So yeah, we got to do a lot of strutting and hip rolling. I got complimented on the way I twirled and jumped, which is funny because I didn't think I was doing that great a job at all, mostly because I didn't really know what I was doing to begin with. Probably a fluke, but nice to hear nonetheless.

I need to buy white shoes for the play, I can't forget to buy white shoes. And I told Elizabeth that I'd help her with costumes. I wouldn't be suprised if my offer was ignored though. I think that since I worked with Maggie last year, the costume departement will be reluctant to work with me, as if I'm infected or something. It's too bad, I thought that Maggie was fine to deal with if you approached her right, but somehow her and the club was just a bad mix altogether. Ah, well, I'm sure they've both learnt something from it.

Jon was at rehersal, and since I haven't seen him since we went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I was so happy to see him. He's such a cool kid, I can't wait to see him in a couple years, he'll be such an interesting nearly-adult.

So now I'm here, and there's school tomorow. I think Mr.Hirsch is planning a math test this week, which is actually a good thing because I need to catch up on my marks. Other than that, my expectations for the upcoming week aren't too high. But that's okay, boring weeks make the interesting ones more worth while.

Is it just me or is this a rather long post?


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