Thursday, November 03, 2005

Computer appreciation

Hello, Archibald. How are you feeling today?

I just thought I would let you know how much you rock. Although my chair is not as comfortable as it could be, I still find myself staring into your backlit screen day after day. The little tune you play when I wake you up, along with the small noises that the scanner makes feel more like a greeting than a random thump of machinery. Oh, Archibald, you're a computer with a wonderfully good temper.

And it's official, Marianne spends way to much time developping personnalities for innanimate objects, however you spell that. I guess I'm in a good mood today.

Funny, I was about to talk about what I did today, and the really awesome food my mom made for supper, when I realised that whenever I'm in a good mood I seem to go on and on about random stuff that probably no one cares about. It's strange how people spill so easily whenever they're angsty, but when they're in a good mood they talk about something other than emotions. Interesting, interesting.

Nadine was in a bad mood today and I don't know why. Perhaps it's because she hurt her sister by accident or something, but she seemed really touchy in media class. I wish there was something I could have done to make her feel better, but I just don't know what I can do. I suppose sometimes it's best just to let the bad mood pass without making a big deal about all of it. Maybe the best thing I could do is conk Thea on the head really hard, because then she might get some rest. God, she's so tired lately, I feel bad. It's like, sometimes I feel busy, then I think of everything she's doing and end up feeling cheap. After all, I don't think I do half the stuff she does. I guess it's good to put things into perspective sometimes, although every once in a while it would feel nice to complain about being tired. Ah, complaining wouldn't change anything anyways, and I bet it builds character.

According to the teachers the E.C.A. ban will probably be lifted next week. Yay, Europe! Mr. Miller came to see Nadine, Dylan and I during media today and asked us if we wanted to take part in the student government once the ban is lifted. I bet Mr. Cross is expecting me to debate again this year. Student Government? Probably. Sounds like fun. Debating? I'm still not sure about it, so I think it's just one more of those things I'll shove into the back of my mind and think about later. I think I'll end up joining though, just to have one more e.c.a. on my application for cegep.

All in all, I'm doing pretty well right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about complaining or about feeling tierd and over whelmed! YOu have every right, and just as much as I do. I got myself inot this pickle remeber? I'm glad you're happy. I'll se ya tomorrow! I need to ttalk to you about Peters on MOnday.


11:38 PM  

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