garble garble garble
New job!
And while working at Subway might not be the most luxurious job, it's a lot funner than Howard Johnson, gives me much more hours and even pays more (we get tip!). Not to mention the owners aren't a forgetfull lying bitch and a pseudo-chipper man. Thank goodness for that. Plus, they actually do the job that they're employees do, so they know wether or not they're demands are crazy. Cool? I thought so too.
I want to go bungee jumping. I want to go now. Screw the brain damage. I want to jump off a bridge. That way, when someone asks me "If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" I can respond with: "Actually, I've jumped off bridges before on my own time, without anyone else. In fact, I even paid for it. So HA!" Oh, the triumph.
Seeing as this post is headed the random way, I might as well continue the trend.
It kind of makes me sad that all my friends ever have to look forward to is getting high, or getting drunk. It's not that I'm against those things at all; I don't really care whether or not you drink/get high or not. It's just that, it's really too bad that that's the only there is to look forward to. Is it because there really is nothing else, or is it just because our minds are wired that way? Am I the one that's warped? I don't want to sound like I'm scoffing them, because really I'm not. It just makes me wonder. It just seems that most people I know have only that to look forward to, and I don't know why. Is it really that fufilling? Am I just weird? Hmm, maybe it's just because whenever I feel like getting drunk, it's because I'm going through an awful time and I just want to sleep and forget.
Wow, I must sound like a complete bitch. I apologize to any of my readers that enjoy getting smashed, I don't mean to come off sounding all high-and-mighty. I'm just trying to understand, so please don't get me wrong. I feel bitchy already, and I haven't even hit the submit button yet.
I am so freaking tired, it's not even funny anymore. 12 hours of work a week, plus 2 hours of tutoring, plus 5-7 hours of rehersals, plus school, plus homework. Damn, it really gets to you after a while. It makes me wonder. Maybe kids don't just commit suicide because they're depressed. Maybe they just want some sleep. It's just that, I wake up and my head feels so incredibly heavy, and all I ever really feel like doing is sleeping. Any day, anywhere, just ask me what I feel like doing. 95% of the time it'll be "Sleep, no questions asked." As I type this my eyes are having a hard time keeping open. It's not yet 9:30. Then again, I know I'll have to wake up at 6 tomorow, so maybe I should go read a book or something until sleep claims me. Shouldn't take long.
Good night. With luck, my alarm clock will explode, there will be ten feet of snow in the morning and the teachers will go on strike Monday. Then my work will call and tell me their paying me to stay home, because I'm that cool. And while I'm at it, I'd like an mp3 player.
And a pony.
And while working at Subway might not be the most luxurious job, it's a lot funner than Howard Johnson, gives me much more hours and even pays more (we get tip!). Not to mention the owners aren't a forgetfull lying bitch and a pseudo-chipper man. Thank goodness for that. Plus, they actually do the job that they're employees do, so they know wether or not they're demands are crazy. Cool? I thought so too.
I want to go bungee jumping. I want to go now. Screw the brain damage. I want to jump off a bridge. That way, when someone asks me "If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" I can respond with: "Actually, I've jumped off bridges before on my own time, without anyone else. In fact, I even paid for it. So HA!" Oh, the triumph.
Seeing as this post is headed the random way, I might as well continue the trend.
It kind of makes me sad that all my friends ever have to look forward to is getting high, or getting drunk. It's not that I'm against those things at all; I don't really care whether or not you drink/get high or not. It's just that, it's really too bad that that's the only there is to look forward to. Is it because there really is nothing else, or is it just because our minds are wired that way? Am I the one that's warped? I don't want to sound like I'm scoffing them, because really I'm not. It just makes me wonder. It just seems that most people I know have only that to look forward to, and I don't know why. Is it really that fufilling? Am I just weird? Hmm, maybe it's just because whenever I feel like getting drunk, it's because I'm going through an awful time and I just want to sleep and forget.
Wow, I must sound like a complete bitch. I apologize to any of my readers that enjoy getting smashed, I don't mean to come off sounding all high-and-mighty. I'm just trying to understand, so please don't get me wrong. I feel bitchy already, and I haven't even hit the submit button yet.
Good night. With luck, my alarm clock will explode, there will be ten feet of snow in the morning and the teachers will go on strike Monday. Then my work will call and tell me their paying me to stay home, because I'm that cool. And while I'm at it, I'd like an mp3 player.
And a pony.
HAhaha, I love you sweetheart.... I want a poney too!!! I really hope i'm not one of your friedns who thinks only of getting drunk, but i figure I probably am, so whatever. I'm sorry. What for I don't know. And don't worry, You don't come across bitchy at all... Not at all. I love you, i hope you sleep well this weekend.
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