Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hahahahahahahaha... I was a-thinking today, and I realised that I hadn't thought about my ex-boyfriend in probably more than a week. And that thought didn't bother me at all. Quite the contrary, it brightened my day a little.

It's not that I'm totally anti-love and that I want to grow up and live all alone for the rest of my life with a really high-paying job and an adopted child or anything, but I'm glad to know that I'm not so angsty about things anymore. I'm glad that I don't have the burden of loving someone like that when I can't see them more than twice a year. It makes me feel a little more free, I guess.

I suppose this post is going pretty much nowhere, but you'll have to forgive me this time. Why is it that I always find angsty posts will be more interesting for anyone reading this? Is it because I find that depressing stuff interesting myself? Who knows. I have discovered recently though that I thouroughly enjoy reading peoples blogs and journals. I couldn't tell you why, but there's something rather intimate about all of it and it makes me feel like I know the person better when I can read their random thoughts. I guess it's also because it's easier for me to really listen to someone's problems and stuff when they're written down. That way it's impossible for me to interrupt, impossible for me to stop them from finishing their thought. Maybe it helps me understand them some more.

Perhaps I only keep a blog in the dim hope that someone out there will be interested enough to read it. Consider it my pay-back for reading a bunch of blogs written by people I don't know.

I want more curried salmon, like I had for dinner yesterday. That stuff was freaking awesome. Either that or some curry dip with plenty of vegetables. Or a cup of homemade hot chocolate by the fire. Or chicken pot pie. Or a big Christmas dinner. Shut up, you're making my mouth water.

Speaking of Christmas, the time has come for me to start thinking of what I'm getting my friends/family for Christmas. Or what I'm crafting them, for I lack the funds to buy them anything. Most of my friends will get a pretty card, no doubt. Kaela will get a gift because she's great, but I don't know what yet. It'll probably be something to do with an anime she likes, like last year. Thea will probably get a birthday-Christmas gift hybrid, I hope she doesn't mind. She'll probably understand though, so I'm not too too worried. My sister and her husband get a box full of crafted things, such as bracelets, trinkets, stenciled things and other random crap I hadn't thought of yet. My dad will probably get pajama pants with a little something. I'm not sure about my brother. I'd be tempted to get him something geeky, but I'm not sure how big his apartement is. I think I might just stencil him a super awesome t-shirt or something of that sort. As for my mom, I'm still lost. I'm thinking I want to get some fancy, fuzzy black yarn and knit her a great scarf to go with the fancy coat she bought herself in Ottawa. It's purple, so a black scarf would look nice. Especially if the yarn is cool and soft. Yeah, she might like that.

Wow, that was random. I think the better my mood, the more scatter-brained my posts get. Go figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey i'm intrested enough to read your blogs....And if you are really bored one day and want to go on a scavenger hunt, (wisper) you can look for my secret blog that i started a little while ago. I started one that I really wanted no one to read... but if you're determinded enough to find it, then you win the prize.

you know what we should do. We should give monthly chalanges to ourselves. Like the first one to you is to find my secret blog, and then maybe like they could be crafty challanges, or watch this movie.. and all that kind of stuff. Might be fun.

BUt back to you, I'm glad to hear your happy! It makes my day. And of course I don't mind a christmas/birthday gift form you!!!A nything form you makes me happy~~~ I Love you sweetheart!!!!!


9:15 PM  

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