So, The Importance of Being Earnest just finished it's last show, so I'm finally done working on it. The show rocks, but it would have been so much better had our director not been such an ass. Stupid Evan. He got so bad and annoying that the club decided to never again use him as backstage crew or anything administrative, and we're never going to cast him again either. He's an unreliable jerk, even the parents will tell you so.
As an example, after the last show it is customary to clean up the venue to make it easier to move everything out the day after. This show wasn't an exception to the rule, and Evan told us to make it speady. After all, everyone wants to go home or go party afterwards, so why spend forever cleaning up? This was a perfectly acceptable request. Or it would have been, had he helped as well. Instead, after the show Evan the Asshole decided to make out with his girlfriend instead, just outside the door where we could all see him. Way to go, director man. Way to help out the team. It would have been bad enough had he not come inside once people were nearly finished and yelled at them to hurry up because
he wanted to go home. Well, he can just go die in a fire, because he's one of the biggest assholes I'll ever meet. I could go on, but I hope this example will suffice.
Sadly, although I know I won't have to work on any youth plays with him anymore, I will have to continue doing restaurant murder mysteries and mascotting for childrens parties with him. God, I'm in for a treat.
Well, here end my random rant about the ass named Evan. Mainly because I have to go. Maybe I'll continue this later.