Tuesday, August 30, 2005

First day of school

So today I had my first day of grade eleven. Honnestly, I didn't find it much different than grade ten, which didn't feel much different than grade nine and so on. I guess the change just happens so gradually that I don't feel it. But with that being said, my options sound super cool.

So far, I've only been through media class and art class, and they seem like alot of fun. I'm so glad I didn't take physics, it would have been such an awful bore. I mean, in art class I can do anything, I can even work with textiles if I want to. In media class, I'm paired up with Nadine. I'm sure we'll make a great team, she's a good worker. Plus, I take that class with Dylan and Thom, and they're great, so it should be fun. And both of those classes are "work at your own pace" classes, and I'm interested to see how much I'll procrastinate. :) I'm sure it'll be fine, but it'll be an interesting experiment for sure.

Tomorow I have chemistry. w00t. To be honnest, I don't really want to take that option at all. However, I figured that when cegep aplications come 'round, it'll be good to have a "serious" option, even though I'm aiming for the "cinema and communications" program at Dawson. That way they'll know I'm capable of thinking using the scientific method and stuffs, but at the same time I'll still have taken options that show my interest for the program. I really hope my tactic works, because I would hate to have screwed myself over for no good reason. Why give myself extra work if it's going to fail anyway.

Sorry, that's my lazy side talking. :) I guess I'm just like everyone else and like to see my efforts rewarded, i suppose.

Anyhow, I'm bored with typing. Catch you cats later.

Monday, August 22, 2005

And the deed is done

Hey all!

So yesterday I got back from Ontario at about ten o'clock at night, I had tons of fun! It's strange to think that I won't be visiting that region of the province for a damn long time now. My sister lives in Toronto, so I don't need to go to Guelph or Cambrige at all to visit her, and my brother is moving to Vancouver so I won't need to visit him there either. I don't mind so much, there isn't much to see there anyway. What I do mind, however, is that this means I probably won't be able to see so much of my old friends anymore, because I always went to see them at school when I was around there. Of course, this also means that I won't be seeing much more of The Poc for a long time, and that sucks. Royaly. I miss him. :(

Anyhow, Saturday was super cool. My sister started to cry a little while she was saying her vows, it was so sweet... and her and mom and Donna and Suzy were all had watery eyes for about the entire reception. It was cute to see them all together though. And The Boys sister Kristen made a PowerPoint presentation using all these pictures of Catherine and Jeremy when they were kids and when they were growing up... It was the most adorable thing ever. Needless to say, I think the worlds in for some pretty good looking babies when they decided to start a family. >.<

The open house at Jeremys parents was fun. I met a whole bunch of their friends, and it was super fun to finaly be able to put a face to all the names I've been hearing for the past four or five years. It was like a big huge "finally" in my head.

Then the day after my brother left for Vancouver. It's a long busride across most of the country, so I hope he isn't too bored. He's got about five hours of battery life on his laptop, some cds and a couple books, but still... I hope he'll be fine gettting there. Once he's in Vancouver though, I'm sure he'll be just fine. He's a tough guy, and definitely smart so I'm not worried in the least. :) I didn't even cry when he got on the bus, I was so proud of myself (I got pretty misty eyed, I'll admit, but there were no tears.)!

So yeah. Tomorow I have to go pick up my schedule for school. Tonight Catherine and Jeremy are making there way over here to spend a day, and then for the rest of the week they're camping. w00t!

I'm too lazy to type more than I have already. P'raps I'll write more later on.

Monday, August 15, 2005

three more sleeps

Three more sleeps until I go to Ontario! I'm happy I'm going, it'll be super fun. My sisters getting married on Saturday, my brother is probably leaving for BC on Sunday. I'll be sad to see him go, but at the same time I know it'll be good for him, that he's making the right descision. It's more than likely the first crazy descision Philippes made that I totally agree with, in fact. He's such an awesome brother, I'm happy he's following his dreams. As for my sister, being married actually won't change much about her life. She already lives with him, but I guess it's that much more of a comitment. I'm really happy for her as well, I'm sure it's yet another good descision.

I pack the day after tomorow. That should be interesting, I'm sure. Clothing I'm not worried about, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have to kill, so because of that I'm not sure what I should bring other than clothes. I think what I'll do is pack my sketchbook, which is always usefull, and I'll bring my humongeous Lord of the Rings book as well. It's all the books in one, so I'm sure it'll keep me occupied. Plus, I'm already completely absorbed in the story, because I've recently started to re-read them. I'm only at book two out of six, so no doubt it'll last me a whole weekend.

Speaking of LotR, I've been noticing about ten million similarities between LotR and Harry Potter. Not so much in the plot, but in the characters. Just think, Dumbledore and Gandalf could have nearly been the same wizard with different clothing. The Black Riders are an awful lot like the ancestors of Dementors. Wormtongue. Wormtail. Need I say more about those two? I don't know. Maybe it's just my inner conspiracy theorist coming out, but it seems that it's pretty damn obvious where J.K. Rowlings inspiration for her characters came from. Or perhaps I'm just annoyed with H.P. at the moment. I mean, the plot is super imaginitive and all, it's just that the actual quality of the writing seems to lack. And I'm tired of all the retarded teeny-boppers. Because whatever they might say, Harry will never rox0rs my b0xorz exclamation mark one one one one.

Anyhow, I suppose that my beef for now. Tata my loves!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Best job in the world

No, I'm not talking about working at Howard Johnson. In fact, although I've just started I can't wait for an opportunity to quit. The other day I show up at work and no one was there, again. So I rang the back door at Harveys and asked if Karina was there, and it turns out she forgot her key to the hotel and went home to get it. She only showed up forty minutes later and didn't even apologize. What a woman.

No, the job I'm talking about is party entertainment. BEST JOB EVER! Today was my second party, and holy crap was it ever fun. Last time I was Cookie Monster, which was fun but very, very sweaty. This time, however, I got to be a fairy! That's right, my friend Kim was the Fairy Godmother and I was her minion, tending to her needs a little but mostly painting faces. It was so cool. Kim was a camp counseler and everything, so she kept the kids occupied without any dull moments, and I did face painting the whole time. There were eight little girls ("I want to be a princess." "I want a butterfly." "I want a heart."), so that was cute despite being a little repetitive. The two little boys were fun though, I got to paint bats and spiders on them! It was only an hour long, but like I said, I had fun and the kids were absolutely marvellous. I would have done it for free, no problem, but at the end of the day I still got paid 25 dollars. >.<

Even preperation was fun. Maggie, my "boss", is stressed lately so she was completely over-preparing us, but it was okay because she's going through a tough time and we wanted it to be perfect. So last night I stayed up with my glue gun and I glued fake flowers onto bobby pins, and this morning I made my hair into a bun with flowers all aroung. Girly, true, but effective as well. :) And speaking of over preperation, Kim and I got there at ten o'clock this morning, even though the party was at two. This means we staid in Maggies basement for a couple hours without anything to do before I did Kims makeup and hair. But that's okay, because I love Kim and we hadn't hung out in a while. I'm so sad that she's moving to Ontario in about two weeks, I was just starting to get to know her better. Then again, I know she'll have fun, and I know she'll be succesful over there. Kim's a smart girl, she can do it.I'll miss her anyways.

All that to say I had a super awesome day today. :D

Monday, August 01, 2005

organization au max

So you remember how I wrote about my new job? So that's been interesting...

I worked for three days. My last day was on a Friday and my boss told me:
"Take tomorow and Sunday off, and I'll call you on Monday." So I took the weekend off and waited on Monday for the call. Alas, the call didn't come and I waited some more. In fact, I was still waiting yesterday, which was Sunday. This morning, my mom and I decided that we were annoyed of not being able to plan anything and so we drove down to the hotel and in order to ask them what in the world was going on. After all, it was supposed to open today.

Turns out the doors were locked and no one was inside. I came back later and the owner had just shown up. He told me that there was some sort of delay and that it wouldn't open for another week or so. Then he apologized for the manager not calling me sooner and he asked me to come in tomorow.

Hooray for proper sheduling, eh?

So anyways, tomorow I need to ask the manager if she can take time out of her busy schedule to actually make a schedule, and ask her if she needs me on Sunday, because on that day I'm booked for fortune-telling/face painting at a party. I can always get replaced, but it would be a shame to miss out on the fun. Anyways, I also have to tell her that I can't work from the 18th until the 23rd so I can drive down to my sisters wedding. Not to mention my brothers last few days on the eastern side of the country, couldn't miss that. What's going to be super cool about the wedding though, is that Suzy is coming down from Vancouver. I haven't seen her for years, I'm so excited!

I'm annoyed with typing random things that no one will read. Onward, to other things!